Informations about turtles

The big Turtle Guide

Erfahre alles über die Anschaffung, Kosten, Haltung, Pflege und Gesundheit und viele mehr über die Schildkröten, welche als Haustier gehalten werden können.
Mehr erfahren

Helpful Topics on Turtles as Pets

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Acquisition and Buyer's Guide

Lighting and Heat Management

Nutrition and Feeding Techniques

Advanced Care Techniques

Health and Care

Basic Equipment for Turtles

Diseases and

Traveling with

Turtles as Therapy Animals

Keeping Turtles

Children and Turtles as Pets

Turtles and

Types of Turtles and Their Differences

Turtle Habitats and Terrariums

Newest Posts and Guides for turtles